PAXPAX Prime 2013Written By: Jonathan A.

PAX Prime 2013 – Day 1 Photos

This isn’t all of the photo’s to be sure, but this is just some of the things I looked at while milling about at Pax this year.

Pax2013 001
If you recognize this outfit, props to you! Attack on Titan is a sick anime.
I apologize for the quality, it looked better on my camera. Holy cow though, this custom is awesome! He even had the swords!
I apologize for the quality, it looked better on my camera. Holy cow though, this custom is awesome! He even had the swords!
Yah, first in on the first day! I'm so glad I can go as press!
Yah, first in on the first day! I’m so glad I can go as press!
Thoroughly enjoyed playing Rekoil... but more on that later.
Thoroughly enjoyed playing Rekoil… but more on that later.
You can't deny the power of a Nintendo handheld. This was not the only area with people just sitting about trying to play catch-up with the zillion tags.
You can’t deny the power of a Nintendo handheld. This was not the only area with people just sitting about trying to play catch-up with the zillion tags.


So many people... there was never a moment where these were empty.
So many people… there was never a moment where these were empty.
Some of my swag. Looking forward to a bit more tomorrow, but I wasn't really going out of my way this year.
Some of my swag. Looking forward to a bit more tomorrow, but I wasn’t really going out of my way this year.  The shirt is for a FPS called Extraction, fun times.  Also, more badges for my bag (flair much?).

I’m going to try to decode some of the interviews I got, but there was so much sound going on even before all the non-press types were let in that this may take a while.  I’ll try though.  Oh and yes, that was a Jesus, For the win! New Testament they were handing out.  Now that’s some truly epic loot!

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