PAX Prime 2014: Axiom Verge
For those of us who love Super Metroid, there is Axiom Verge. The story stars one research scientist specializing in sideburns and mutton-chops, who survives some kind of explosion and then wakes up with a voice giving him cryptic yet urgent instructions to use the fancy gun he discovers he has. Fortunately for us players, he’s not shy about the gun. So begins an awesome, nonlinear 16-bit trek in search of a multitude of weapons and equipment, each with their special uses and modes of attack, like any self-respecting Metroidvania must have. Room-filling boss battles sees the game zoom out so everything’s quarter-sized except the massive lasers. Even the sound and music are easy on the ears. Weapons sound like they really do cook what they hit, some understated, industrial percussion sounds like the beating of the protagonist’s heart.
Seriously, the audio-visuals of this game are top-notch 16-bit, the gameplay is tried and true, the large fights are memorable, and even the story gets some love. What’s not to like?