Making GRO Fun Again
With one of my last posts talking down about Ghost Recon Online due to the new methods of extracting money out of the player, I’d like to shed light on how I’ve started to make GRO fun for me again. I’d like to start with describing a new feature they have instituted. It’s called the ATHENA Rank system and since instituted has been received with a mixed bag of happiness and hatred. I don’t really appreciate it because people have started to leave matches that are looking like a loss to “save” their rank.
I was a two star General when ATHENA started up. However, I was still having issues with people complaining about the higher tiered guns and complaining about P2W. I just wasn’t having as much fun and that’s when the idea struck me. I’d play GRO like I did FPS’s back in the days of dedicated servers. I’d institute my own rules (granted only on myself) and play the way that was the most fun to me. That translated into one thing: pistols only!
First up, the pictures here are of the rare sort. For some reason I did a lot more winning than loosing on that day (so I took multiple pictures!)
I don’t care that I was a two star general. I honestly don’t. I’m also not just doing pistols or lowering my rank so I can show “newbs” how good I am. I’m not going pistols only to make people rage quit after getting killed by me. I’m just enjoying the game and while I see this most of the time:
I’m playing a game. I’m also not spending money on those crazy fancy guns they keep dishing out so I’m kind of sticking it to the man too (it’s a stretch I know). After all, I’ve already given them enough money. I may give them more in the future, but it will be mostly aesthetic stuff. Unless there is a golden pistol that doesn’t only have 6 bullets, I may change my mind then.
To anyone who is playing GRO now and is getting kind of bored or is just starting out and not completely enjoying the experience. Raise your pistols in the air my friends! Let’s go cap some points while killing the odd LMG user or sniping a sniper with our pistols, screw your ATHENA rating! If you are starting out and you don’t want to do that, I hear the first level shotgun is pretty awesome right now.