Randomly Minecraft Mondays #6!
So the server is back up and running now so I can build again. The downside is that it’s set back a few world saves so all the work I did on that two-story library is all gone now. That kind of killed my desire to play for a bit.
Lately I’ve decided to do some creative stuff in the nether to make myself feel a bit better.
[pane title=”I Can Haz Pyramid Over Lava!”]

[pane title=”Pigmen Are Jerks.”]

[pane title=”Pigmen Are Also Horrible Parents.”]

[pane title=”Lava Funnel”]

[pane title=”Lava Powered!”]

[pane title=”Ghasts! I Shake My Fist At You!”]

[pane title=”A View Of The Front.”]

So after working on that, I’m totally fine with working back at my main site. I will be building a storage area first so I can consolidate all of my stuff. I’ll keep you updated!