RMMWritten By: Jonathan A.

Randomly Minecraft Mondays #4!

Jonathan Amarelo Sig

So basically the floor has been set now.  I have the platform on which to build my awesome awesomeness.  It will be great and here’s a look at the staging grounds from whence you would warp in via the nether gate.

So this is the underside of the platform where the nether gate is.  This is it before I lit it on fire.  That was a lot of lighters.
So this is the underside of the platform where the nether gate is. This is it before I lit it on fire. That was a lot of lighters.
As you can see, it's high.
As you can see, it’s high.
Here's a great look at the floor all burining and stuff.  There is so much fire that most other sounds didn't register.  That meant that I had to be super cautious of creepers and the like falling down on me.  That only happened three times and only caught me off guard once.
Here’s a great look at the floor all burining and stuff. There is so much fire that most other sounds didn’t register. That meant that I had to be super cautious of creepers and the like falling down on me. That only happened three times and only caught me off guard once.
This is me in the final stages of roofing the nether gate room.
This is me in the final stages of roofing the nether gate room.  Also, this seems to be a better angle to look at the floor with.
Those boxes aren't going to stay there, but this is a look at the finished room.  It's just high enough to still get light on the ceiling and have no monsters spawn anywhere in this room.
Those boxes aren’t going to stay there, but this is a look at the finished room. It’s just high enough to still get light on the ceiling and have no monsters spawn anywhere in this room.
This will be the final shot, if you are observant enough, you can see the passage way out of here.  There will be no signs or anything since I just wanted to keep the aesthetics of the place as basementy and eerie as possible.  I may redo the walls with netherbrick now looking the finished product... but that's for another day.
This will be the final shot, if you are observant enough, you can see the passage way out of here. There will be no signs or anything since I just wanted to keep the aesthetics of the place as basementy and eerie as possible. I may redo the walls with netherbrick now looking the finished product… but that’s for another day.

Love it or hate it, let me know!