Impressions: SMT4 + Other Things
The lack of activity here on the ‘ol Backlog stems from me trying to do better by the readers. Right now I’m reading up on how to write more critically and with better form. Needless to say, I’m being told that I’m doing a bit of it wrong. Still, it’s good to get honest information like that, no matter how much it may sting at first.
Right now I’m playing the new Shin Megami Tensei IV by Atlus (SMT from here on out). I’ve never played an SMT game before and as it turns out, I may have been missing something all along!
The adventure starts out and you’re introduced to a few of the basics: how SMT will deliver the story and how the basic gameplay will be laid out. I’ll go into the positives and negatives in the actual review. SMT starts out slow, but then draws you in with a compelling story about Samurai and demons which gets better as the game goes on. They’ve already thrown some pretty interesting twists into the game they’re taking me a bit deeper into how twisted this world will get.

I love RPG’s and wanted to try something new. SMT definitely wasn’t the game I was prepared for. I’m also going to try to beat the game before I review it. I haven’t always done that in the past and it was pointed out to me that I probably should for the sake of the developers who put all the time into making SMT IV (and every other game for that fact).
If you’re looking for an interesting, story rich game, pick up Shin Megami Tensei IV right now. It’s a bit expensive at $50, but if you buy it in store before the 31st of August and already own Fire Emblem: Awakening, you get a $30 credit to your eShop account on your 3DS! You just need to register them both to your Club Nintendo account. That and you get the art/guide-book and a soundtrack! It’s a pretty sweet deal, jump on it!