PAX Prime 2014: Lichdom – Battlemage
I wasn’t going to look at Lichdom at all during PAX this year. The first day I walked past it easily, schluffing it off as just another magicy-Skyrim wannabe. The second day of PAX was much the same as I walked around the always-long line that surrounded this game’s booth. Then came PAX: day three. We were told to wait in a different area before we could enter and so Ron and I stood and sat for two hours… in front of a jumbotron with a video of Lichdom: Battlemage playing. The thought of ignoring this game was still strong, but my goodness what a gorgeous looking video…
Much to my surprise, Lichdom has a story and smooth magic wielding gameplay. The whole experience of this game was pretty fantastic! There is a magic crafting system in place that lets you create your own spells and variations on them. More damage or control, done. Did you perhaps want your favorite spell to hold them in place longer, but be faster to cast, also done! Another neat feature is that the different magic spells works well together to give you even more damage and more control over the battlefield! This is one very well done magic game and if you ever wanted to play a game where you didn’t feel like a gimped mage, Lichdom: Battlemage is it.