
Where Did WWII Go?

This is one of the first PC shooters I've played. I can't go back to it with ease because the control scheme is drastically different from most common FPS's these days.
This is one of the first PC shooters I’ve played. I can’t go back to it with ease because the control scheme is drastically different from most common FPS’s these days.

Ever since the titans of the FPS industry decided that WWII as an era for game settings was overdone, it seems like that was it.  There hasn’t been too much that’s come out lately that’s been totally awesome and WWII oriented.  Some of the stuff has just been plain weird.

I’m not sure about most of you, but did you ever play that Medal of Honor game that had you storm the beach at Normandy?  You had to make it to the line of men and have them tell you to run back into the mass of bullets to grab some Bangalores to blow a hole in the axis barbed wire fence and continue to push on?  That was some seriously intense crap right there.  (And the number of times you just die running around until you found out where the items were…)

Seriously though, where are my tanks now adays?
Seriously though, where are my tanks now a days   Battlefield is about the only game lately to integrate tanks.  I miss them… and shooting them.  CQB made tanks all the more fun.  Tanks in a vast open area aren’t my favorite.

It’s been about six years since Call of Duty: Modern Warfare launched on November 5th 2007.  That’s a whole console’s shelf life basically and like what… 14 Call of Duty games now?  Can’t we go back yet?  Or at least to something different.  I’m not opposed to the modern theme, its neat.  Can’t we have a variety though?  Can’t some company make “modern” shooters and some other come out with  WWII one or dare I say futuristic?

Battlefield 2142 was the game that just didn't get the credit it deserved. This image was a mode where you had to control missile silos to shoot at the enemies Titan ship. After the shields went down you had to physically board the ship and take out it's core or something. That was by far my favorite mode in ANY FPS... ever (period).
Battlefield 2142 was the game that just didn’t get the credit it deserved. This image was a mode where you had to control missile silos to shoot at the enemies Titan ship. After the shields went down you had to physically board the ship and take out its core or something. That was by far my favorite mode in ANY FPS… ever (period).

I also know my next comment will be blasphemous, but I’ve got to get it off my chest.  I kind of hope the next XBox fails.  I do.  I have no real ill will towards Microsoft, I don’t.  However, since it’s gained so much frig’n popularity, tons of people now play shooters on there.  Granted, I don’t want all of the users to come over and XBLA rage on my PC shooters, but I wouldn’t mind some of the mature players coming back and playing some shooters with me with some games I like to play.  That’s asking a lot, but I don’t really want to feel pressured into picking up the next XBox just to play a shooter with friends with that horrible controller.  Maybe if the next XBox allows me to plug in my Razor Naga and generic keyboard I’ll consider it… but I won’t like it for a minute!  (Nintendo for life!  (Or until… nevermind, I don’t want to jinx them.))

Getting an XBox still won’t really solve my woes though since they get most of the same shooters with the exception of Gears of War.  However, one game does not a console sell.  Well for me it doesn’t.  Please don’t cry about Crysis, it’s futuristic-esque.  It’s modern era with shiny toys.  That’s not the same.  I guess I just want more fiction in my fiction.  They don’t have to have the science behind it.  All those mech things could be run by “unobtainium” for all I care.  I just need something crazy sometimes!

But could you imagine a fully graphically updated WWII shooter with possibly some D-Day and Airborne stuff?  Totally.  Stinking.  Awesome.  I’ll wait game developers, I’ll wait.  Don’t make me wait too long though or I’ll just grow old and spiteful.  And nobody wants and old and spiteful person on the internet nerd raging do they?  (Meh… there’s probably a niche for that too.)

Jonathan Amarelo Sig

3 thoughts on “Where Did WWII Go?

  • I would love to play a bit more WWII based FPS’s. But in saying that, I will NOT play another if it’s just rehashing the same ole same ole. I loved Modern Warfare too, but you’re right…when’s the monotony going to end.

    Black Ops and BLOps 2 was a lot of fun! Not so much with the multiplayer, but the campaign was full of mystery and espionage. I actually wanted to progress further with every bit of story line that was played out.

    Sidenote: I am not a fan of people that buy a game strictly for the multiplayer. I have friends that do it, and i shame them with ever opportunity I get.

    XBox…interesting opinion. Unfortunately…XBox’s nearly always cost less than a built pc/laptop, and…the game works to it’s fullest graphical performance setting right off the bat. No tweaking, no driver issues. For older PC users such as us, that bit is fun and part of how we grew up. But when you can drop the disc in and play the day it is released without monkeying around with settings, the lazies come out in me.

    I bought an original XBox just for Halo CE. I guess I’m one of “those.” Gears of War is an awesome franchise too, but Halo will always have a place in my heart. *sniff*

    Back to WWII, I’d like to see more Pacific Island Theater combat. I think that we see so much from the point of view of troops in Europe that we’ve forgotten that there was a lot riding on our troops securing the pacific islands. Just a thought.

    • You mean something like:

      The XBox bit is just to play with some buds that mostly play on that. I love my PC and would rather play there, but crap if everyone goes to Microsoft’s side… I may eventually consider it.

      I’ll probably hold out though lol.

  • I actually hope that, like the impending Steam Box, Microsoft pulls their head out of their black hole (if you know what I mean), and makes keyboard and mouse use a breeze. I think they’d open up their user base a good percentage and allow those that want to play that way originally, maybe buy an XBox keyboard & Mouse combo.

    There could be registered game versions of the keyboard and mouse for XBox like, Call of Duty, Battlefield, Halo! People eat that stuff up.


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