Review: The République (Episode 1)
Ah stealth action. I’m not sure I can actually get too bored with the gameplay style when it’s done right or even mostly right. While The République does “suffer” from some fairly dumb A.I., the experience as a whole transcends it. When something bothers you enough to notice it multiple times, but you still have a strong desire to play the game… that’s when you know there’s something there to love.

So there you are, all alone in your cell. You’re just a scared teenage girl when you realize that that’s not actually you, you’re just watching her. Hold up now, it’s not as creepy as you’re making it sound in your head. You’re there to help her. You come off as some sort of hacker that can jump from camera to camera and lock and unlock doors all to help Hope (or 390-H) to escape this prison of sorts. I’m not quite sure if it’s a prison or some bunker or even just a containment facility, but I get a definite claustrophobic vibe from it; that’s for sure.

The world set up for you in The République is one with a Big Brother on steroids. Those in power appear to have drank the proverbial “cool aid” and either believe in the ruling system or just like it for the power they can wield. I don’t want to believe they could be that blind or ignorant; that would just hurt me in my soul-place. The story casts a bit of a shadow on whether some are following the rules just to further their own ends and at the end of the first episode you’re left wondering if one of the main “antagonists” is really secretly trying to help. (Probably not though.)

The real kicker is that The République is done in an episodic fashion. That means if you get to the end of what’s out, you’ll have to wait until the next episode comes out. I know, I know… first world problems. It only sucks because you’ll want more sooner. If that’s going to be a problem, then that’s probably going to be one of the best kinds to have. That is unless Episode 5 ends rather abruptly and the bad guys win. I wouldn’t like that one bit… I will come back and change this score when I’m done with all of the episodes so help me!

More The République info: Facebook / Official Page / Steam / Twitter