ReleasedReviewsWritten By: Jonathan A.

Review: Catlateral Damage

Catlateral Damage is not what I was expecting when I booted it up. In all honesty, I wasn’t sure what I was expecting. Their video was pretty funny and definitely grabbed my attention. Ever wanted to be a cat and knock junk off of… well everywhere before your humans get home? Well, now there’s a simulator for that! It’s not a plain cat simulator, but it’s a cat carnage simulator for sure.

There are multiple events that can happen in Catlateral Damage and while most are just for funzies or give you power-ups, some can help you get achievements.
There are multiple events that can happen in Catlateral Damage and while most are just for funzies or give you power-ups, some can help you get achievements.

There is not much to Catlateral Damage. It’s simple premise of being a cat and knocking things off shelves pretty much describes the entirety of the game. There is an easy enough time-limit which does get a little hairy in the Museum (or Mewseum), but all things in time eh? That’s Objective Mode in a nutshell where as Litterbox Mode removes the time-limit on your destruction and lets you run rampant throughout the rooms knocking things over at your leisure. Remember to pick up the power-ups to help you knock things over with more ease!

Like random pictures of other people's cats? You're in good company then.
Like random pictures of other people’s cats? You’re in good company then.

There are also a lot of unlocks to … unlock (for lack of a better word there) if that’s your thing. You can get more cats to play as which basically gives you a different color paw to swat things with. There didn’t seem to be a stat difference so I guess it’s all up to color preference (I prefered Kratos I believe). Also, the pictures hanging off the walls are there for you to knock off and collect to keep in the out-of-game collection of funny cat pictures. It’s nice to be able to go back to and giggle at them.

Maybe it's that it's too simple or that I just don't get it in it's totality. Maybe I'm just looking too deep for something that the game wasn't intended for, but I wasn't 100% sold on this. Did you want a cat simulator to knock things off the shelves? This game will deliver. It's not overly challanging so it could be pretty good for kids to better their hand/eye coordination. In the end, I would say this is more niche that I would have thought and I don't think I fit into that particular niche.
Did you want a cat simulator in which you knock things off the shelves? This game will deliver. It’s a solid carnage simulator and seems to be created to just let the player have fun as a cat without breaking items in his/her own house. It’s not overly challenging and has smooth controls so it could be pretty good for kids to better their hand/eye coordination. There’s a lot of stuff to collect so if you’re a fan of collect-a-thons, you may also find a home here. Maybe it’s that it’s too simple or that I just don’t get it in its totality. Maybe I’m just looking too deep for something that the game wasn’t intended for, but I wasn’t 100% sold on this.  Catlateral Damage is well made, but I didn’t have that much fun playing it. In the end, I would say this is more niche that I would have thought and I don’t think I fit into this particular niche.

More Catlateral Damage Info: Steam / Official Page / Facebook / Twitter

Jonathan Amarelo Sig

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