Review: Catlateral Damage
Catlateral Damage is not what I was expecting when I booted it up. In all honesty, I wasn’t sure what I was expecting. Their video was pretty funny and definitely grabbed my attention. Ever wanted to be a cat and knock junk off of… well everywhere before your humans get home? Well, now there’s a simulator for that! It’s not a plain cat simulator, but it’s a cat carnage simulator for sure.

There is not much to Catlateral Damage. It’s simple premise of being a cat and knocking things off shelves pretty much describes the entirety of the game. There is an easy enough time-limit which does get a little hairy in the Museum (or Mewseum), but all things in time eh? That’s Objective Mode in a nutshell where as Litterbox Mode removes the time-limit on your destruction and lets you run rampant throughout the rooms knocking things over at your leisure. Remember to pick up the power-ups to help you knock things over with more ease!

There are also a lot of unlocks to … unlock (for lack of a better word there) if that’s your thing. You can get more cats to play as which basically gives you a different color paw to swat things with. There didn’t seem to be a stat difference so I guess it’s all up to color preference (I prefered Kratos I believe). Also, the pictures hanging off the walls are there for you to knock off and collect to keep in the out-of-game collection of funny cat pictures. It’s nice to be able to go back to and giggle at them.

More Catlateral Damage Info: Steam / Official Page / Facebook / Twitter