RMM: The Adventures of RuffledFox!
Greetings! Welcome to the adventures of Anthony, or as some call me RufflledFox. Today I started out in the new update of 1.7.2 for Minecraft! Hooray! What follows is the start of my adventure in one of the new biomes! Can you guess which one it is?
Turn in next time for more progress! I’ll be playing the game pretty much when ever I can so there should be more exciting things happening!
Does making a family out of one’s guts make one less lonely if he’s not there to enjoy it?
Also, that’s a pretty nice looking small house you’ve got going on there… I’m now inspired to try and jump back into some Minecraft if I can pull myself away from Monster Hunter Ultimate.
Reading this and watching Ailing play last night made me wish I had time for Minecraft again. *Sigh*