Inside The Treehouse: Animal Crossing Vids
So the new Animal Crossing: New Leaf games comes out Sunday on the 9th of June and needless to say I’m excited. From what I heard it’s more of the same with some expanded stuff and options not previously available in the other Animal Crossing games. I’ve also heard that, so far, it’s the best one yet. I’m fairly sure that I’m going to really enjoy the game. I’ll do my normal short spurt play along with the few hours of fishing in the rain to hopefully catch some mythical fish. I can’t quite put my finger on the real reason why I love this franchise, but I do.
Almost all of my buds will be picking this game up day one. I’ll be downloading it from the eShop to make accessing it easier on me. I’m also fairly sure that this game will receive a “gewd.” rating. Calling it now, just saying. If you’re not a fan of the series, this probably won’t appeal to you. While that makes me sad, I understand. For those of you on the fence and wondering what’s new, here’s the video collection from Nintendo showcasing what the features are.
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