ReviewsSteamWritten By: Jonathan A.

(Review) 10,000,000

10,000,000 is a simple match’em up game with some added RPG fun to it. It’s one of those games that people as, “what in the world are you playing?” and then the next day, you see them playing it.

At its core, 10,000,000 is easy, beating the game isn’t that easy!  Play a round and you’ll get the basics.  However, not seeing fit to make such a simple game, the people at EightyEightGames saw fit to put a story in.  You’re in a dungeon and the only way to get out is to score 10,000,000 on a single round of the game.  Why are you stuck in this dungeon, and why does scoring 10,000,000 get you your freedom?  Man, I don’t know, why are you asking me?

Welcome to your dungeon!
Welcome to your dungeon!

You start out with everything locked up and you have no recourse but to enter into the dungeon and get to some killing and matching.  After you’ve collected some stone and wood, you can come out and repair and upgrade your facilities to give you upgrades and buffs.  It’s a nice feature to add to a game to add more of an RPG “feel” than just another version of Columns.

After repairing facilities in your dungeon, the one you get the most benefit out of is Enemy Attack Delay (for obvious reasons).
After repairing facilities in your dungeon, the one you get the most benefit out of is Enemy Attack Delay (for obvious reasons).  It’s just my opinion, but if you can hold off on them punching you in the face, that’s a good thing.
Brewing potions can help give you an advantage, but watch as some give you debuffs as well as buff.
Brewing potions can help give you an advantage, but watch as some give you debuffs as well as buff.

As you progress in the game, you’ll be fighting zombies, monster trees, even dinosaurs!  Sometimes you’ll be fighting doors and chests, which don’t seem to put a fight, but oh my goodness would I be lying if a door or chest didn’t cause me to want to yell out loud as I just defeated a boss and got roflstomped by a chest I didn’t have the keys to overcome.

Other than the game is an easy, pick-up-and-play game, what’s got me going is the achievements   While I’m not totally into achievements, lately I’ve found them to be extra challenges to add some spice to the game.  I approve.

I would love to go into more depth with this game, but there really isn’t any more depth to it.  I just really enjoy 10,000,000 and think if you give it a try, you will too.  (Insert Reading Rainbow music here.)

Jonathan Amarelo Sig

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