
Lego Marvel Super Heroes!


While I may not be the largest supporter of the Lego game franchise, this one may just turn out to be fun for me.  It’s got Wolverine in it!  Come on, you can’t tell me that’s not awesome!  Apparently this game will be about Nick Fury calling upon the heroes of the Marvel Universe to save the world from various baddies.  Very generic, but solid enough for me.

I’ve heard people complain about how the Lego games are going to be the new Guitar Hero and play themselves out.  Honestly though, all their games are in different universes so they can appeal to different people.  I can see Lego milking this for a while.

I’m not going to lie, but with this and that Lego City: Undercover coming up on the Wii U, I may actually be playing a Lego game this year for the first time and enjoy it!


Love it or hate it, let me know!