ThoughtsWritten By: Jonathan A.

It’s Been So Long… He’s Not Dead Right?

First up, I have no real picture for this so I picked a picture of what I’m playing with now. I’ll get around to doing a review for Monster Hunter 4U later… probably. Also, I love the “New” Nintendo 3DS… moving on.

Recently a buddy of mine posted something on his site that got me thinking… what am I doing here? Granted the title of the article is a bit dramatic, but that tends to be is his thing. I don’t believe I’m maintaining this website because of my ego or the need to have my opinions validated. I do like putting my honest opinion out there because I feel that there is a lot of biased opinions out there and while I’m not completely unbiased, I feel I’m personally well-rounded in my thinking and you’ll know what I like. In the end, I’m maintaining The Videogame Backlog because I enjoyed it… err well, I still enjoy it.

The thing is  I worry. Am I putting up enough content, and I putting too little? At times I feel I’ve got too many ideas and I can’t focus and then sometimes I feel the pacing is just right. Life however, dictates that I slow down at times and guilt sets in for me for all my readers. There in is issue number two. I don’t have many readers, or at least consistent ones that stop in, comment, and/or say hi either here or even on Facebook. Does that bother me? No, not really, since in the end the site is just a hobby with benefits. Would I like to see more people show up and post comments, yes I would. Am I willing to pay for that with ads… not really. I’d prefer word of mouth, but that doesn’t seem to be getting me anywhere. (That, and I don’t really like ads.)

So what in the world am I doing babbling on about this instead of putting up a review (and I do have a few in draft form…)? Well that’s simple, I’m keeping you in the loop. Who’s you? Well that would be whoever decides to show up and read this. It’s not really about a game and has no pictures; it’s just thoughts and information.

Maybe you come here often or this is your first time. Either way, welcome! Here’s what you can expect from me:

-I have no apparent focus.
-I have no special gimmick that sets me aside from the many other plethora of internet review sites besides my opinion being better and having not had a numerical rating system before it was the “cool thing” to not have.
-There’s no weekly comic because I can’t draw (my stick figures are lame).
-I shy away from game genres I know I don’t like to play because I don’t like to review games that I know I won’t enjoy. (That means no horror mostly… I’ll watch, but not play.)
-I will reply to comments if a reply is warranted or would be funny.
-There is no real set schedule for the release of my reviews, but when I post it will be on a Thursday because… Thursday.

The main goal is to not really keep up with the “big dogs” of the internet. I guess I’m more focused on letting you know that if there is a Steam sale going on or a game at the store (probably for a Nintendo console or the “old” PS3) and I think a game is pretty sweet, chances are that if you’ve got a level head about games you may want to take a look at it. If you don’t, check what else I’ve reviewed and liked and then you can make a judgement call from there.

The desire to quit working on this site is ever-present and the ability to just go and play whatever game my heart craves is a sweet sound. However, I also enjoy this site (and free PAX) and I get the occasional free game to share my thoughts on with you guys and gals. I think that’s pretty cool so I’ll try to keep working on it for those of you that have stuck around with me for this long and for those of you that will just randomly pop in because goodness knows there’s a lot of opinions out there on the internet, but there’s only one place where you can read mine. (Inflated ego – get set, Go!)

*EDIT* Hey, think you’ve got what it takes to write about your favorite games on the internet? Think you’d fit well into the foundation I’ve established here on The Backlog? Hit me up sometimes on our Facebook page and we can talk. I’m picky and specific and at the same time very open, so hey, if you want some creative outlet to let others know about a game you enjoy, bring it on! Or start you’re own website and join in the collective noise that is our internet and good times were had by all!

Thanks and you’re welcome.

Jonathan Amarelo Sig

2 thoughts on “It’s Been So Long… He’s Not Dead Right?

  • Sometimes drama is the best way to get your point across. Glad it got you thinking at least. That is the whole reason I wrote it. Just to pose some questions we don’t typically ask ourselves.

    • I’ve been thinking about it recently anyway with my two kids taking up a lot more of my time than… you know… when I had none lol. Priorities, priorities, priorities…


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