Nintendo Direct 1/23/13 = Awesome
So this is something that Nintendo needed (and no I’m not just talking about Satoru Iwata doing Nintendo Direct instead of Reginald “Reggie” Fils-Aime). You can watch the entire video (in fact I recommend you do), but I’m just going to list some things that I thought were more interesting than other stuff.
1) Spring and Summer firmware updates to the Wii U to help launch software and get around the menus faster. They acknowledge the problem and are fixing it… like a boss!
2) Virtual Console is finally coming to the Wii U. They will be bringing NES and SNES games first with others coming at a later time. Also, they will be doing trials for 30cents for 30 days. Not shabby, since I can complete some of those games in that time frame.

3) New titles announced for the Wii U well include:
-They announced a 3D Mario game from makers of Galaxy 1&2 + Mario 3D Land which means I need to beat Galaxy 2 lol.
-Mariokart (8?) Who didn’t see this one coming? I still can’t wait! Both the 3D Mario and Mariokart are slated to be playable at E3 this year! I’m a little jealous of those that get to go this year.
-A new party game with some interesting ideas, but… meh. I’m just not excited about a party/Mario Party-esque game.
-From kirby’s eptc yarn makers comes… Yoshi’s Epic yarn? (This looks pretty slick, but I may probably wait for a sale on this one.)

-Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem… but what’s it about? Sure it looks interesting, but to early for me to get to excited.
-There’s a new Zelda and they are taking Zelda back to the basics and trying to create a new experience. Kind of like what they did in Skyward Sword, but better me thinks. They were mentioning less linear gameplay with dungeons completed in any order as some ideas tossed out during the ND.
-They are remaking Wind Waker in HD to kill the time until the new Zelda game fall 2013. This is cool since I loved Wind Waker, but they better not charge me $60 for this remake. For $40 though… day 1 purchase. They plan to updated graphics, tune up overall experience (fix glitches that speed runners use?), add off screen play on the GamePad, and make it Miivers compatible.

-From the developers of Xenoblade Chronicles comes a funky mech game looking game that looks like a combination of Xenoblade and Full Metal Panic!.

So what are you guys most excited for this year? Or heck, just in general. What’s got you all excited for 2013? Perhaps it’s a little bit of… this?

So much exciting news! Nintendo is finally get their ducks in a row! They seriously needed some big announcements like these.
Seriously man. It’s not like Nintendo was in critical condition, but they seriously needed some stims.