
Why hasn’t there been anything lately?

Hey guys/gals!

I just wanted to give a quick post to say that I haven’t forgot about this site; I’ve just been a little busy lately.

New born Jessica and I watching some Star Craft 2 goodness!

Our tiny little sleep thief Jessica was born on the 30th of October.  Needless to say that it’s difficult to type with one hand.   Coincidentally  I am able to play Torchlight II even if vendoring items without my shift key takes four times as long.

I should have another article up soon.  Thank you for your patience.

4 thoughts on “Why hasn’t there been anything lately?

  • Nicolas DeSelms

    Take your time with the website. It will always be here when you have time. Your little girl, on the other hand, will grow up before you know it! Congrats again on the start of your very own family.

    • Ailingforale

      Thanks man, I am do’n what I can for both the daughter and the site. She comes first.

  • Hello, just wanted to tell you, I enjoyed this blog post. It was funny. Keep on posting!


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